

Company Type
Retail Brand,Professional Salon & Spa Brand
262, Biseul-ro
Date Founded
Aug. 1, 2015, midnight
Local Time
Primary Language


Glittering Beauty Energy ELMOLU, Professional cosmetic brand with high-technology

ELMOLU (Elastic + Moisture + Luster)

"ELMOLU pursue fully hydrated skin and tightening, make your skin vitality, luster and glittering energy "

ELMOLU is a professional cosmetics brand based on the unique, reliable technology of SLC Co., Ltd. the best beauty manufacturing company in Korea. 

SLC CO., LTD, has been continuously developing many kinds of skincare and cosmeceutical mask with high-quality ingredients and superior technology. Our mask production output is one of the tops in Korean beauty companies. 

Based on our technical skills, competitive strength, which is a top cosmetic company in the domestic market, the ELMOLU brand was launched and we promise you a better future with our production process and outstanding product. 

We hope you premium ELMOLU brand’s pride with trusted technology and effective beauty solution.

CPNP registered

NMPA registered 


262, Biseul-ro